Zoe Petrea Yanz | Physiotherapist

Zoe completed a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) at the University of Sydney. She has a passion for improving the lives of others, restoring function and preventing further injuries.

After many years playing netball she understands the demands on athletes and the importance of regular care to maintain and improve performance. She has attended the Indoor Netball Nationals as physio for NSW and worked on the sideline for both soccer and softball.

Zoe has completed both her Mat and Reformer Pilates training. She is also a certified Sports Trainer and Level 1 Strength and Conditioning Coach. She has completed the Australian Physiotherapy Association Dry Needling Course and is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association. She has a passion for Women's Health and is keen to further her knowledge in this space over the coming years.

Zoe is a big believer in the combination of manual therapy and exercise prescription to achieve the best outcomes.

In her spare time, she enjoys weightlifting, walking her dog and spending time with her nieces and nephews.


Theo Aungle | Physiotherapist


Natalie Kmet | Chiropractor